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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Established by God to Unite Mankind. Learn more about His Holliness Mirza Masroor Ahmad. And his activities to establish World Peace. By emphasizing Unity and Brotherhood all over the world. Latest Friday Sermon delivered by our World Head.
Universella mänskliga rättigheter är en grundläggande princip i islam. Alla, oavsett trostillhörighet eller hudfärg, är berättigade allsidiga mänskliga rättigheter som ingen kan neka. Separering av religion och stat. Islam konstaterar att regeringens styre bör vara separerat från religionens trosfrågor. En troende skall inte ges någon förmånsrätt över en icke troende. Den sanna innebörden av Jihad. Vi är lojala mot vårt land. Vi fördömer all form av terrorism.
Medicine is a science through which one knows the states of the human body, whether healthy or not, in order to preserve good health when it exists and restore it when it is lacking. SEKITAR REVOLUSI MENTAL DAN PERIBADI MELAYU. SEKITAR REVOLUSI MENTAL DAN PERIBADI MELAYU.
Meerkat Technology uses extensive electronic commerce and technology expertise to bring secure electronic commerce systems to community-based arts and nonprofit organizations and small businesses. Meerkat offers customers and community partners affordable solutions to efficiently accept and manage online payments for events, registrations, memberships, contributions and merchandise. Reduce costs and improve operations.
Zasiedzenie, czyli prawo do nieruchomości w świetle Kodeku cywilnego. Paradise Baby komfortowe wózki dla każdego malucha.
Frequenze Superiori per Essere Umani. TRIBAL REALITIES Visionary Art Exhibition, Bologna June 8-14, 2009. Tuesday, June 08, 2010. Monday, June 22, 2009.